What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram of Personality is a framework that describes nine distinct ways of thinking, feeling, and acting in the world. Knowing and understanding your Enneagram type can unlock insights into why we do what we do.

The diagram is organized around three centers. Below you will find a brief description of each center, the nine types and a video of each type sharing their stories and experiences.

The Body Center

Body Center types pay attention to fairness. When they see or experience unfairness, they feel anger. Each type of the Body Center has a different strategy to create fairness. If they can create fairness, they feel peace. Watch the videos below to get a sense of how each type presents in the world.

Type Eight

Type Eights seek to create fairness in the world by acting - confidently taking charge of situations and asserting power on behalf of themselves and others.

Type Nine

Type Nines seek to create fairness in the world by feeling and sensing - paying attention to multiple points of view and working to create harmony within themselves and others.

Type One

Type Ones seek to create fairness by adhering to and promoting living by rules or principles and encouraging others to do the same.


The Heart Center

The Heart Center types pay attention to being seen by others. When they feel unseen by others, they feel sadness. Each Heart Center type employs a different strategy to be seen by others. If they can feel seen, they feel joy.  Watch the videos below to get a sense of how each type presents in the world.

Type Two

Type Twos seek to be seen by paying attention to others' needs. When they are able to meet another's need and receive appreciation, they feel joy.

Type Three

Type Threes seek to be seen by achieving and performance. When they are able to accomplish something and their actions are recognized, they feel joy.

Type Four

Type Fours seek to be seen by doing something unique and authentic. When others recognize their special contribution, they feel joy.


The Head Center

Head Center types pay attention to certainty. When they see or experience uncertainty, they feel fear. Each type of the Head Center has a different strategy to create certainty. If they are able to create certainty, they feel confidence. Watch the videos below to get a sense of how each type presents in the world.

Type Five

Type Fives try to create certainty with information. They pursue greater insight and knowledge, when they feel like they understand the situation, they feel confidence.

Type Six

Type Sixes try to create certainty by preparation and vigilance. They work hard to anticipate potential hazards and create a strategy of safety through friends, ideals, or force. When they feel prepared and safe, they feel confidence.

Type Seven

Type Sevens try to create certainty by experience. They pursue as many opportunities as arise to see the potential for each possibility. When they feel like they have explored the options, they feel confidence.


Let's Get Started!

Has learning about the Enneagram made you curious to learn more? Please contact me so we can explore ways to bring the Enneagram to your life, team, organization, or workplace.